Helena Rubenstein once said, “There are no ugly women, only lazy ones.” This is a pretty bold statement and, regardless of socio-economic factors, it’s one we women take to heart. But there are some days you want to forget the whole regimen because the amount of effort it takes to be presentable just isn’t worth it. And how about the diet and exercise routine? Every now and then, you just have to say, “No! Not today.” According to Helena, we are being lazy and on our way down a very slippery slope. Bring on the hat, Uggs, and sunglasses!
Helena Rubenstein, Polish born, came to America in 1915. She was already a business success with her main product being a beauty cream made from lanolin and special herbs that she perfected while living in Australia. She was a gifted entrepreneur and a pioneer in women’s beauty products understanding the immense value in elegant packaging, celebrity endorsements, crisp uniforms, and a “created” perception of science as it related to beauty. Today, her products still remain among the most elite and expensive offered.
Although I’m sure Ms. Rubenstein honestly believed her theory, it didn’t hurt company sales either. At the time, skin care and cosmetics were just beginning to come on strong and there were few competitors. The choices available were nowhere near what they are today, not to mention the avenues in which to advertise them. Ms. Rubenstein was known for her snappy one-liners and this one was a bit of marketing genius. How better could she have encouraged women to buy her products? Striving for that ever illusive beauty (which should obviously include her line), would insure that women everywhere were taking all the necessary steps to be presentable while increasing her bottom line.
There is something to be said for making the best of what God gave you but one has to be realistic. Most of us don’t have $180 to spend on the latest moisturizer or wrinkle serum; but, there’s usually a drug store nearby – probably within walking distance. There’s always a sale on cosmetics and, if you walked there, you’re killing two birds with one stone. You are definitely not being lazy and, like any responsible American woman, you’re adding to that ever growing beauty enhancing arsenal. It may not be Helena Rubenstein products; but, still, I think she would be proud. Her point, I think, is to put your best foot forward even if it’s Jimmy Choo-less. Take the time to be sublime even if it’s on a dime.
(Visit our shop for UV protection accessories specializing in face, hair, manicure, and pedicure preservation.)
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